IYAK - International Yak Association Mission


Mission to Preserve. Protect. Promote. 

Discussion of the mission And Ethics of the International Yak Association 

Our Mission Statement and Code of Ethics can be broken down into three words: to Preserve, Promote, and Protect our North American Yak Herd. IYAK and NAYR work together to support these commitments and objectives. 

Preserve: Our primary goal is to preserve the genetic and phenotypic integrity of the Tibetan Yak in our association. To further this objective we maintain the North American Yak Registry (NAYR), including international submissions (IYAR). Our breeding registry establishes registration and breeding policy to protect the genetic integrity of yaks in North America, and through-out the world. Similarly, we record and track yak pedigrees as we maintain our Herd Book. 

Protect: We equally strive to support good Animal Husbandry among IYAK members. It is our duty and desire to help to educate our members in best management practices and good Animal Husbandry of their yak. To this end, we attempt to educate members and provide educational opportunities in all aspects of yak maintenance and management.

The objective of supporting Good Animal Husbandry includes an Ethical Commitment by members to care for our animals. We're committed to providing humane treatment and ensuring the well-­being of the animals we are responsible for. This goes well beyond simply providing adequate food and water. This also includes taking precautions as necessary to prevent the spread of parasites or disease (including genetically inherited mutations), and to treat sick or injured animals immediately to avoid undue suffering and if untreatable, humanely dispatch animals as soon as possible. Along these lines, we're also committed to not administering or permitting the administration of unnecessary and potentially harmful substances, such as drugs, hormones or antibiotics on a sub-­therapeutic (unnecessary, non-­therapeutic) basis to any yak under our ownership or care. Similarly, we agree to not knowingly release any animal into the custody of a person who does not have the ability or appropriate facilities to provide for the animal’s needs.

Promote: We also endeavor to advance the awareness of yak to the general public, as well as our membership. The objectives of the organization include promoting: the value of IYAK membership, the importance of yak ownership and registration, and exceptional quality of yak products. Much of this occurs through IYAKs commitment to maintain an effective internet presence. We are dedicated to the maintenance of our internet presence including: a public website-­for access by the general public and IYAK members. This website domain should include information on IYAK and educational information on yaks, as should the linked social media sites. The IYAK Facebook sites are maintained for access by the general public and IYAK members in good standing, to promote discussion and provide content on: upcoming IYAK shows and events, the opportunity for networking with other yak producers, and connection to experts, educational material and opportunities. 

To advance the yak industry, we agree to uphold a positive and professional standard of conduct among the membership. We commit to do this by representing the benefits and positive qualities of IYAK, as well as by improving one’s own knowledge, increasing one’s skill, and encouraging research, and sharing information. Similarly, we agree to pursue our professional activities with honesty and fairness while avoiding and condemning any practice that might bring discredit to our industry. We are committed to pursue all yak related activities with honesty and fairness and conduct business in a professional manner, providing current and factual information with the goal of educating others. It is our commitment to provide adequate documentation concerning the age, health history, registration level/status and genetic background of any animal we offer for sale.

We continually strive toward the Preservation, Protection and Promotion of yak and the yak industry.